halblang - furniture and interior

Japandi-Design from Bavaria

Free shipping from 100€


☎  +49 151 57 67 9266

For dealers

Are you a retailer and would like to include our products in your shop at good conditions? Then you have 3 options:

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Contact us directly

If you have special colour requests, large quantities, questions about the product or would like to label a product, then it is best to contact us directly so that we can find a solution together.
Schicke uns eine E-Mail oder ruf uns an +49 151 50 780 925

halblang im ankorstore Onlineshop für Händler

Via ankorstore

Get 100€ off your first purchase.
Get 20% off all orders in the first 60 days.
Use this link and the code: LIFT-DHAUSFSS

halblang im orderchamp Onlineshop für Händler

Via Orderchamp

Get 10% discount on all orders in the first 30 days.
Use this link and the code: PASAD-GIFT