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Home is where you go

Oft bezeichnet man als ‚Zuhause‘ den Ort, an dem man lebt, dabei ist es doch in Wirklichkeit der Ort, an dem man sich am meisten wohlfühlt. Es ist der Ort, an dem man Freunde und Familie um sich hat, an dem man seinen persönlichen Stil ausdrücken kann und an dem man sich entspannen kann. Und dieser Ort kann überall sein. Überall da wo du bist und überall da wo du hingehst.

We want to support you in this with our furniture. We want to give a home to all those who don't want to be tied down to one place. Namely, a home that you can simply take with you anywhere. With mobile furniture, so that you are free and independent. Furniture that can be customised so that you can develop your own style. Surround your life with things that bring you joy and free yourself from unnecessary things. Because with the right attitude, mobile furniture and a few personal items, you can turn any corner of the world into a home.

Make yourself free and independent! Because the feeling of being at home anywhere is simply priceless. Whether you decide to live a nomadic life or just like to move around - with mobile furniture you can design your life according to your wishes and discover the world without having to give up the comfort of your home.

So home is not a place, but a feeling. It is the feeling of comfort, safety and security, but perhaps also of freedom and limitless possibilities. And once you have found that, then you are at home everywhere.

So what are you waiting for? Pack your bags and get ready for your new adventure - because home is where you go!