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Why you can never have enough nature in your home

Especially now in spring, when everything is so fresh and green, we are literally drawn to the outdoors. Nature has an incredible power that gives us new energy and inspiration. We humans are natural beings and we feel comfortable and relaxed in nature. We notice this at the latest when we take a walk in the forest or sit on a lakeshore and breathe deeply. But why shouldn't we also bring this closeness to nature into our own four walls?

Nature in the home has many advantages. It calms us, lets us relax and gives us a feeling of security. Forest smells and sounds have been proven to have a positive effect on our well-being. And even the colour green has a calming effect on us. It creates a harmonious atmosphere and helps to reduce stress and calm down.

Fresh air and plants in the home are known to improve the indoor climate, filter pollutants and strengthen our immune system. The room acoustics are also improved by plants. And even wood has a positive influence on the air quality, because it can regulate the humidity in the room just like plants. Natural wood can absorb excess humidity through its pores and release it back into the environment when it is dry. Wood also has an antibacterial effect. Due to the essential oils, many germs and bacteria cannot survive and it also smells pleasantly of the forest.

But furniture and furnishings made from natural materials are not only good for you, they are often more sustainable than the alternatives. They are made from renewable raw materials, consume less energy during production and are often easier to recycle, thus helping to protect our environment. When buying, make sure that the raw materials come from as regional a source as possible and that the materials can be disposed of separately at the end. But until then, a lot of time can pass, because furniture and furnishings made of natural materials are robust and durable. They are much better at coping with minor defects, can be repaired or reworked into new products. They age naturally and become even more characteristic over time, which gives them a special charm.

High time, then, for more nature. When we consider how much time we spend in closed spaces such as our homes, offices or cities, it is even more important that we consciously surround ourselves with nature. So, go in search of your inner nature being and bring a bit of nature into your home. Your body and mind will thank you!



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